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Find out how we can help you with electric vehicle advocacy, uptake and infrastructure

The EV Alliance is made up of a diverse group of people, businesses and organisations with a common passion…the graceful but accelerated uptake of electric vehicle technology in Australia and New Zealand.


Covering a range of areas in the EV sector, our members have collaboratively formed this Alliance to help people, businesses and governments enter the electric vehicle fray and get a better understanding and foothold on what our transport future looks like.

Want to know more about the electric vehicle market in Australia or New Zealand?
Call us today and let us help you find what you're looking for.


Want to know where to find the most informed dealers, the best deals and the best selection of electric vehicles? Sure you do.


In the future all dealers will have the know-how to reliably advise you on fit-for-purpose and cost effective EV purchasing. But, we’re not there just yet.


Even amongst the ‘Blue Drive’ dealers, there is a lack of in-depth understanding around the real-world application of how an electric vehicle can help you do the school run, get you to and from work or become the complete basis of your office or commercial fleet.


Choosing and purchasing electric vehicles might be the main part of the puzzle, but ensuring they’re operating with maximum efficiency forms the puzzle edges.


Electric vehicle charging infrastructure can be included in construction planning or retrofitted to existing buildings, public carparks and outdoor structures.


But it’s not just about deploying the fastest unit you, your business, fleet or government agency can afford, but creating an energy supply – charging – maintenance solution that specifically suits your needs.


Does EV usage and charging form only one part of your triple bottom line?


Would you like to forego brown coal power and charge your electric transport with clean and renewable power? Perhaps you’d like to make your electric vehicle charging stations available to other EV users but monetise that set up.


Or would you like to look at other ways in which your business, organisation or government department can offset emissions, reduce waste and work towards a cleaner future?


Does the EV industry and jargon confuse you? Have you been asked to look into electric vehicles for your business, educational facility, government department, organisation, show or expo?

Would you like to access expert advice, obtain a quote for a presentation or tap into one of the numerous EV communities or networks in Australia or New Zealand?


EVA members are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience in driving the uptake of electric vehicles.

The EV Alliance is proudly supporting the uptake of electric vehicles in Australia and New Zealand for home, business, industry and government.

Contact the EV Alliance for Australia and New Zealand.

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